This video was made as an extension of the work. Unlike the images, the video focus solely around the Boise River.
Aldo Leopold is an Environmental Philosopher best known for his idea, Land Ethics. Ethics encourages all members of a community to treat everyone with respect, with the goal of a mutual benefit for all in the community. With Land Ethics, it expands that practice to include more than just humans. It includes every part of Earth: soils, waters, animals, plants, etc. It's what Leopold refers to as the land. Ever since Covid-19 stuck people have really started to take to the trails for activities since everything had been closed down. With the increase of people in nature, so comes the increase in trash. The concept of Land Ethics has become something that doesn't really seem to be practiced much anymore. I captured this series while walking along three different areas: the Boise River, Tablerock, and Camelback. These places seem to be the most visited trails for locals in Boise, Idaho. With this series, my goal is to bring to light how much people are forgetting to take land ethics into consideration. To show how little respect we give the land, at times even showing the length people go to hide trash.
This video was made as an extension of the work. Unlike the images, the video focus solely around the Boise River.